The First States of the United States

How were United States formed...? 

The country, perhaps the most powerful in the world, with its five centuries of history, which has been an independent nation only about two and a half centuries, began being thirteen colonies.

Their history as a nation, start with 13 colonies. These 13 colonies were almost all English, some were before occupied by Indian, others by Dutch, Spanish, French or Swedish.

They are located on the east part of current territory of the U.S., almost all on the Atlantic coast. They represent little more than the nine percent of the current territory and range from North Florida to Canada.

Subsequently, by struggles with of England for the independence, wars with Spain, Mexico and their own fight with the amerindian, their territory grew larger. 

Two purchases were added: the French Louisiana, to Napoleon in 1803, and Alaska, who was purchased to Russia in 1867, by seven million two hundred thousand dollars.

The flag national memory them thirteen colonies, represented by their thirteen bars horizontal alternating red and white (seven red and six white) in the square of the edge upper left was first a little English´s flag.
After the Independence was replaced by a circle formed by thirteen star white on background blue (another time the thirteen) and finally the circle is developed in a rectangle with them 50 States currently included.

The following review us has about them first settlers of each , the origin of the name and the date of creation, being this last sometimes subject to different interpretations, because not all had an act of Foundation formal and precise...  

North Carolina

First they were Spanish on two occasions (between 1523 and 1567) who tried to create some settlement. But the amerindians erased them from the map :(

The colony that finally was founded in founded in 1584 was named in tribute to the King Carlos I (the one who wanted to manage English Parliament and ended up beheaded) .
The initial name was Carolana ("land of Carlos" derived from his name in latin, Carolus) then derived to Carolina, and subsequently split into North Carolina and South Carolina. (Later on, I'll tell you how that came to happen).

It was the first colony to attempt to form a Congress continental, sending representatives to the and laying the bases to the movement of independence. 

In this State was born the first child of English immigrants, as in the first North American person, as we understand to North America in its origin, that is to say, English colony.

The capital is Raleigh, in honor to Sir Walter Raleigh, navigator and politician,  Queen  Elizabeth I´s favourite 


It was originally populated by native Massachusetts, Algonquins, Mohicans, Pocomut and others. Smallpox killed the 90% of them between 1617 and 1619.

In 1620, arrived the famous ship "Mayflower", which after a series of adventures arrived to what would later would become Plymouth.
in this boat they came religious dissenters persecuted in England. They formed one of the bases of the essence of being American. 

Here the war of the independence was started effectively, with the battles of Lexington and Concord. It all started with the intention of England to collect "seal tax"- by  which all paper that could serve for any application should pay a gabelle for the Crown.  Seems to be that by always-strained relations with England, not called its State with the name of any King or characters of his nobility, and left his Massachusetts

Capital is Boston.


Early explorers were the Spaniards to 1523. Also came the Jesuit and later the Franciscan.  The Indians that inhabited this area were the Algonquins, Cherokee Chessenepian and others. Powatan, Chief of the Algonquins (and coincidentally father of the known Pocahontas), came to send near 15000 Indian.

In 1584, the Queen Elizabeth I granted authorization to Walter Raleigh, to found a colony. This colony, was named Virginia, in homage to the Queen, who by not having married ever, was called "the Virgin Queen", although Virgin seems to be that it had nothing.

 Its capital is Richmond.


Also here were the Algonquins, and also the Spaniards, who always started from Florida, but did not leave any stable settlement.  William Claybourn settled in 1631 and almost at the same time George Calvert asked Carlos I authorization to found a colony.  The initial story of this State was the fight between Calvert (Catholic) and Claybourn (Protestant) fight that lasted nearly a century. But eventually, all were United in the war of the independence. 
The State received its name Maryland, land of Maria, by Maria of France, wife of of the King Carlos I

Its capital is Annapolis, guess of in tribute to the Queen Anna.

Rhode Island

The Italian Giovanni Verrazzano was the first European who explored here, looking for a passage by water, traversing the continent to reach East.
 Indians who inhabited the place were the Narranguansett and the Niauatis. There was no fight with the Indians, killed them pests, presumably brought by Europeans. The survivors that were, form part of an important book.   Roger Williams in 1636 is established what is can take as date founding was a State particularly tolerant with them different beliefs religious.
It is believed that the name derives of the of the island Rhodes, with that Verrazzano it baptized in their early. 
 Is the State but little of the country.

Its Capital is Providence 


Originally inhabited by Indians Delaware (relatives of the Algoquindos) and the Nantikote.   One of the first Europeans to arrive, was Henry Hudson English (I guess that you will have discovered the river which made him famous) who explored the Bay of Delaware 1609. The first settlement was Dutch, in 1631, who established the strong's Zwaanendel finally butchered by the Indian. In 1635 the Swedes tried to settle founded new Sweden disagreements with the Dutch who had been, until 1655 the Dutch evicted the Swedes. But in 1664, the English came and stayed with the colony.   

During the war of the independence, the only battle that is waged in this State was in the river Brandywine, in where is believes that was raising by first time the United States´s  flag. 

The capital is Dover

Nueva Jersey

Some indigenous very particular, the Lenape, inhabited these lands in times of the arrival of them European. Particular was that they were shaped by matriarchal clans.   The first Europeans were Dutch who founded new Netherlands and the Swedish, new Sweden. But in 1664, "came the English fleet" under the command of Richard Nicols... and it took control of new Amsterdam and the entire colony became English.  Its name derives from Jersey, the island where is refuge Carlos I by some time, during the war civil English.

Its capital is Trenton.


As in other States, also walked the Algonquins Indians as owners of the place.  The first European was the Navigator Adriaen Block, who claimed the area for Holland.  But actually, them Dutch not made nothing by keep the place and slowly them English, come from Massachusettts, is were taking over of the place until possession is completely of it in 1654
Its name  derives from an  indian Word , whose pronunciation is very difficult, but sounds like “ Connecticut” , that means  “ place of de long river” due  by the river that cross from north to south, and called just “ Connecticut” 

Capital, Hartford

Nueva York

Fits clarify that this review is refers to the "State" of New York and not to the city, that, just not is the capital of the State, as well as nor not is of them United States
Here them Indian Algonquins shared with them Iroquois were the first inhabitants. Participated in the war of independence from England, the first in favour of England the second in favor of the States.
 Giovanni Verrazzano in 1524 and on behalf of France was of the first Europeans. The English Henry Hudson 1609 on behalf of the Dutch acknowledged the area... The Dutch settled in various places founding new Amsterdam (today Manhattan). It says that the Governor Peter Minuit bought the island to the Indian by 24 dollars!! To all this, the English, who had occupied Long Island were slowly occupying the State, supported by King Carlos II and from 1664 it became the State of New York was named to the Duke of York,

Its capital is Albany

Nueva Hampshire

The usual algonquindos Indians were as always. Recently in 1631 was declared British proviencia know because he is called New Hampshire

Capital: Concord

The original indigenous population were Delaware, Iroquois, Susquehannock and Erie.  The colony has origin in the assignment of a part something less than 120000 m2 (and the State is almost a perfect rectangle) that King Carlos II ceded it to the Quaker William Penn, for having forgiven a debt of about 15000 pounds at that time. Penn, as good Quaker was a man well and unpretentious, so he called the Cologne "Silvania" (from the latin land of forests) but the use and history devoted to "Pennsylvania

Its capital is Harrysburg.

South Carolina
Has its origin in the the separation of the original state of Carolina, occurred in 1712, that had as motive the separation of them counties of Albemarle and Craven.
Differences of approach problems with Spanish attacks that followed claiming parts of the colony. So were North Carolina and South

Carolina Capital: Columbia.


Created as a colony taking part of Carolina, in 1730 was Named in honour of King George II
Its capital is Atlanta.